Columnist, news and review sites
Anime News Network
The biggest database on the web dedicated to info about Japanimation
and manga publications.
The Comics of Rhodey
Sequential Tart
The Comic Queen
Polite Dissent
The Real
Gentlemen of Leisure
Anime Troop
Spoilt! If you want
to know what the synopsis for a current item is, this looks like the
exact place to go. And why do they offer what are usually known as
"spoilers"? Well, as they explain here, it's because they disagree
with the growing emphasis on superhero "universes" and event-driven
writing and marketing, because comics are too expensive to buy just
because the publishers of a crossover tell you that you should,
because it costs too much to follow characters you love through ten
titles a month, and, because a good comic is still a good read even
if you know what happens. Makes sense.
Conservative Comic Book
Bookshelf Comics
The Comics Continuum
Comic Widows
Comics Ate My Brain
Cinescape One of the leading
movie magazines in the US, and also one of the leading comic book
sites as well.
Random Curiosity
Tales to Mildly
Dial B for Blog
The Low Road
Anime Nation
Comics.Com Just where you go in
order to find daily comic strips.
The Johnny Bacardi Show
Gravity Well Another site
that talks mostly about conventions.
Dry Bones On this site, you'll
find some good cartoons by Jacob Kirshen, who works for the
Jerusalem Post, with Shuldig, Doobie the Dog and company. Or, go to this site, which is even
bigger, and better. Or, better still, go to The Dry Bones Blog.
Cinema Capsule
Cavalcade This is a small movie related website created by -
me! And I do my best to maintain it as best as possible.
Fanboy Radio
Grand Comics Database Call it
the IMDB of comic books.
Comic Book Database This
is almost similar to the above, where you can look up a lot of info
on writers, artists, publishers, covers, et cetera.
Comics 'N Stuff
World Famous Comics
Cheese Comics This is an
online gallery for artwork that mostly features original fan art by
comic book fans.
The Big Comic Book Database
Comics Worth Reading
Precocious Curmudgeon
A Site Called Fred
Pretty Fakes
Completely Futile
Worlds Within Worlds
Starlog They've been a notable
sci-fi and fantasy magazine for close to 3 decades (since 1976),
though they have written about other genres of entertainment
as well.
My Otaku World
Underground Online This is an
entertainment site that the Slush Factory's website is now part of.
About.Com's Comic Book
IGN Comics
Yet Another
Comics Blog
Comic Book Heaven
The New Comic Book Releases List Web
The Ninth Art
Comics Should be
Olamot Website for Israeli
sci-fi conventions.
Pop Culture Wake-Up Call
The Comics Review
Canadian comics review site.
Tokyo Otaku Mode
Fortress of Soliloquy
Comic Book Marathon
The Hurting
Battling to put a stop to it.
Thought Balloons
Incomplete Thoughts
Giant Boogers from Outer Space
Comic Reviews
Weblog for...just that.
Reading Along
Cornwell's Daily
The Comics Waiting Room
Pop Culture Gadabout
University Comics and
Swim Suit Models
The perfect place to find hotties!
The Most
Beautiful Women There too.
The Lithium Age
Cox and Forkum Political
Graphic Novel
Reporter This is where special news on what might also be
called trade paperbacks can be found.
Sententia 3.0
The Flying Inn
The Zealot's Lore
Listen to Us, We're
The Word on the Street
House of the Ded
Brian Hogg
Comics TV Blah Blah
Blah Discussing both comics and television shows.
The Forager Blog
Dance of the Puppets
Republic of Replicants
Trusty Plinko Stick
Fun Ideas Mark Arnold
is a comics and animation historian, a professional on film and
video production, and a blogger. He also specializes in sales,
promotion, and marketing research, and is an expert on computer
programming too.
Board Game Geek All
about board games, including Monopoly!
Gone Gaming Where
everybody likes to focus on board and card games.
Board Game Central All
about those wonderfully time-consuming board games.
Board Game News
Game Trailers
San Antonio Board
Wrong Every Time This is an
anime commentary blog with a very absurd name, but it does have
plenty of interesting stuff.
Science Fiction and
Other Suspect Ruminations
USA Anime
The Vanishing
Trooper Incident
Otaku Fantasy
Ogiue Maniax Both manga and
anime are reviewed on this site.