The Lion's Den

Welcome to the Lion's Den, where freelance commentary and reviews on comics and other related media is discussed. All brought to you by Avi Green, comics fanboy and fan of manga/anime, and all sorts of other great entertainment pastimes, including board and computer games, and even food recipes. My goal is stand up for what we all enjoy about comics and other such sources of entertainment in a bold, straightforward way.

This is my family and me (at the right) in a photograph for my sister's graduation
on biology studies.

Latest Columns

April 24, 2024
TV's Law & Order is a long-running problem

Latest Reviews

July 4, 2024
Quintuple Quality

Tribute to my orr bubby

(great-grandmother in Yiddish)

My grandparents. I'm sitting on my grandmother's lap. My
great-grandmother is standing in the back.

To send me comments, contact me at this address:

Don't expect me to be able to respond to everything,
but I most certainly do appreciate the feedback!

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This is a strictly non-profit website.
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