Seven old
questions I once asked Peter David
January 20, 2005
By Avi Green
I once asked these to Peter David
on his weblog during 2003. I found them recently among all my old
stuff and belongings, and thought to myself, why not post them
here, since they could be of interest?
So here they are for now, and I
hope you'll enjoy what's in store here.
Avi Green: If DC gave you the job of writing Jessie Quick, the
fastest femme alive in the DCU, would you want to write a series or
miniseries for her?
Peter A. David: Nah. Speedsters
make me nervous, because if you play them accurately, they're
impossible to beat. I could deal with Impulse because he was
easily distracted.
AG: If Marvel gave you the job of writing the X-books and gave you
the proper freedom in writing it, would you be in favor of working
on it?
PAD: I have real trouble believing
that such a situation could occur.
AG: What's your opinion on comics coverage in the mainstream media?
Do you think it's too, ummm, sugarcoated? And that it cares more
about what's hyped outrageously than about what's really got class?
PAD: My only opinion of comics
coverage is that there isn't enough of it. As for the media caring
more about what's hyped outrageously than what's really
class...that may be true, but that's hardly limited to comics.
AG: Do you agree that if there's any minorities that should really
be featured in comics, it's ones from such backgrounds as Swedish,
Danish, Armenian, Dutch, Lebanese Christian, Druse,* Corsican,
Fijian, Bulgarian, Czech, and Macedonian? The readership does
deserve to get to know about such nationalities and their cultures
and customs too, don't they?
PAD: Yeah, but as a write you have
to be willing to do the research to make it accurate. Otherwise,
next thing you know, you're hearing from angry Swedes, etc.,
complaining that you're doing them an injustice. So as a writer
who's just trying to hit his deadlines, you have to decide whether
it's worth the...wait. Druse? What the hell is Druse...?
AG: If there's any CrossGen titles that you'd like to write if
offered a job by them, which would it/they be?
PAD: Truthfully, I don't know the
CG titles well enough to say I'd be interested in any of them.
AG: What places have you travelled to abroad? Have you ever visited
Israel too?
PAD: Yes. I've been to Israel. I've
seen London, I've seen France, although I have not seen your
underpants. I've been to Germany, Romania, Portugal, Argentina,
Mexico, Spain, Canada, Ireland, Scotland. And yet, I've never been
to me.
AG: What computer games do you like to play? Do they include "real
time strategy" games?
PAD: I don't really play any
computer games, aside from an occasional bout of Solitaire or
* On the part about the Druse, I explained that to him in an e-mail,
that they're an Arab community whose culture and style is almost
like that of Judaica:
Dear PAD, (Sept 8, 2003)
Hello. In the topic from last week, you said you didn't know who or
what Druse are, so let me explain: It's an Arab sect that's said to
be descended from Islam but it's followers are more identified with
the Jewish faith, in a manner of speaking. There are a lot of Arabs
of Druse backgrounds who live in the Galilee in Northern Israel, and
the comics colorist Michael Netzer's (who called himself Mike Nasser
in the 70's) father was from such a background. I understand you may
not have travelled to the Galilee when you visited Israel years ago,
but if you did, you'd probably meet some people of the Druse
background there.
Thanks for the replies to my questions from last week too.
Avi Green
Hunh. How about that. I didn't know
that. Bet my parents did, though.
So there you have it, everybody.
And there are even a few things to learn from it too.
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